Prevention of occupational and air accidents - safe work in the air
management of aeronatus' fatigue and the international regulation
Labor law, International law, Aviation law, Aeronaut, FatigueAbstract
This article aims to analyze one of the most recent and innovative modalities of professional regulation in the country, involving one of the most eccentric and intriguing professions in Brazil. It is an administrative rule on the control and management of human fatigue of aeronauts. Through a vast study of national and international legislation, doctrine and normative documents issued by ANAC, the article will address chronological aspects of the creation of the norm and its mens legis, as well as the obligations of the regulatory agency for the creation and application of the legal provision, and, still, its aspects of constitutionality, passing, in the end, to establish the results reached from such observations and to propose practical solutions to the eventual conflicts identified.
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