The extremely broad concept of health due to International Labor Organization's Convention n. 155


  • Igor de Oliveira Zwicker


Social rights, Work, Health


From the teleological and axiological delimitation that health is a fundamental right, involved with the mantle of “petreicidade” (characteristic of being stony), of immediate application, self-executing, and protected to any interpretation that reduces its meaning or scope and, furthermore, a non-negotiable right, as it is a right of absolute unavailability, health is understood in all its biopsychosocial aspects (biological, psychological and social). Health is a resource for life. Understanding that work is not a commodity, International Labor Organization’s Convention nº 155 forges a concept beyond the negative, of the mere absence of illness or infirmity. The concept is positive and requires, for its full occurrence, the presence of a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being. This means that it is not enough for work not to generate a disease or illness in the human person who works to be considered healthy. It is necessary that this same work confirms a complete state of well-being, in its broad spectrums, and manages, therefore, to generate happiness, dignity, joy, satisfaction. It is not the human person who must adapt to work: it is he, work, who must adapt to human life, in all its richness and greatness. And this is extracted from the extremely broad concept of health.

Author Biography

Igor de Oliveira Zwicker

Doutor em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Pará (PA), aprovado em 1º lugar geral; Mestre em Direitos Fundamentais pela Universidade da Amazônia (PA), aprovado em 1º lugar geral; Especialista em Economia do Trabalho e Sindicalismo pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (SP); Especialista em Direito do Trabalho e Processo do Trabalho pela Universidade Candido Mendes (RJ); Bacharel em Direito e Especialista em Gestão de Serviços Públicos pela Universidade da Amazônia (PA); Analista Judiciário (Área Judiciária) no Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da Oitava Região (PA/AP); Professor de Direito; Autor do livro “Súmulas, orientações jurisprudenciais e precedentes normativos do TST” (São Paulo: LTr, 2015); possui 118 artigos jurídicos publicados, além de dezenas sobre Língua Portuguesa.


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How to Cite

Zwicker, I. de O. (2023). The extremely broad concept of health due to International Labor Organization’s Convention n. 155. Journal of the Safe Work Program, (1), 289–304. Retrieved from