The extremely broad concept of health due to International Labor Organization's Convention n. 155
Social rights, Work, HealthAbstract
From the teleological and axiological delimitation that health is a fundamental right, involved with the mantle of “petreicidade” (characteristic of being stony), of immediate application, self-executing, and protected to any interpretation that reduces its meaning or scope and, furthermore, a non-negotiable right, as it is a right of absolute unavailability, health is understood in all its biopsychosocial aspects (biological, psychological and social). Health is a resource for life. Understanding that work is not a commodity, International Labor Organization’s Convention nº 155 forges a concept beyond the negative, of the mere absence of illness or infirmity. The concept is positive and requires, for its full occurrence, the presence of a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being. This means that it is not enough for work not to generate a disease or illness in the human person who works to be considered healthy. It is necessary that this same work confirms a complete state of well-being, in its broad spectrums, and manages, therefore, to generate happiness, dignity, joy, satisfaction. It is not the human person who must adapt to work: it is he, work, who must adapt to human life, in all its richness and greatness. And this is extracted from the extremely broad concept of health.
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