Safeguarding the well-being of urban cleaning employees
advances and gaps of the Regulatory Rule n. 38
Labor law, Regulatory Act No. 38 of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, Psychosocial well-beingAbstract
The aim of this article is to understand the limits of Regulatory Act No. 38 of the Ministry of Labor and Employment with regard to protecting the well-being of workers in urban cleaning. To this end, the main changes promoted by the aforementioned act in relation to the protection of health and safety at work were analyzed. Moreover, the potential risks to the mental and social health of collectors in urban cleaning were addressed from a historical perspective on the use of language and from a psychological perspective on managing the feeling of disgust. It was concluded that, although Regulatory Act No. 38 represents a legal and social advance, important challenges still remain, especially regarding the recognition of the mental and social dimensions of human well-being.
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