Convention 155 of the International Labor Organization, the International Health Regulations of the World Health Organization and enhancement of the fundamental right to health at work
Constitutional block, Dialogue of normative sources, Occupational health surveillanceAbstract
Convention 155 of the International Labor Organization and the International Health Regulations, approved by the World Health Organization, are standards that, ratified by Brazil, are part of our legal system and form the Constitutionality Block, which has interpretative, vertical and horizontal efficacy. In this way, the Constitutionality Block imposes the adequacy of lower hierarchy standards, such as the Occupational Health and Safety Regulatory Standards, at its command, in addition to ensuring that the Brazilian State must issue public policies and demand from those who use labor human, regardless of the types of contractual and statutory ties, the necessary actions to prevent the spread of diseases and accidents. The existence of this Constitutionality Block promotes dialogue between the normative sources of the fundamental right to health and safety at work, from which it emerges that a public policy or a health and safety program at work cannot be considered complete if surveillance actions are not implemented in worker health.
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